The Guide
Ignacio Oreamuno
Adventure Guide - The Dreamcatchers
I guide because my soul breathes the oxygen of adventure. Give me a million more waterfalls before my time is up in this world.
I guide because I love seeing the eyes of my guests when I show them the magical natural secrets I've discovered in Costa Rica. Each of them has a special power over you, a way to bring happiness into your life; from a magical sunset spot where the ocean turns purple and the sky burns red to a mystical natural hot spring in the middle of the rainforest. Nature is my medicine cabinet.
I guide because I am the luckiest man in the world, paid to show people the world through my eyes. My offices are the most beautiful deserted beach in the world and the greenest rainforest in the world, my colleagues are parrots and monkeys. I'm grateful for receiving the vision to start The Dreamcatchers.
I guide because it is impossible to design travel experiences that trigger personal growth without growing constantly myself. I am the guide of each trip, but I'm also by definition, just another person in the trip.
I guide because my way to help create a better world is simply to help people feel alive. Happy people always make the right choices about themselves and those around them.
I guide because I fucking love pipa fria (cold coconuts) on the side of the road. Frequent pitstops for fresh tropical fruits is an absolutely necessary part of each day.
My co-guide and driver Javi in our office hunting down adventure and fun.
I guide because I love connecting with my guests and sharing the most valuable and only real thing our lives, our time in this beautiful life. When people come and change their perspective in Costa Rica they leave behind their past and their problems. Hearing their stories allows me to learn the lessons they've learnt. Growth is teamwork.
I guide because I can see the same place thousands of times and not get bored because I always see it for the first time in the eyes of my guests.
I guide because I've made important connections and friendships in many of the the beautiful places I take my guests. Special people create magical places and because of them and their trust in me, I'm able to take my guests to places and experiences they would have never been able to see in their own.
I guide because nature has the power to heal and that's something we all need in ample amounts.
I guide because there is so much to do, so much more to learn, so many people to meet, so many things to experience, so many things to eat, so many sunsets to watch, so many naps to take, so many seeds to sow.
I guide because I want to discover all the secrets of the world's most beautiful country so that one day I can share each and every one of them with my daughter.