
$3,499 p/person for couples shared accommodations
$3,999 single person individual accommodation.


Fee includes accommodations, transportation, full-time driver, guides, all park entrance fee and activities, all breakfasts, group lunches and dinners, some planned snacks.

Does not include

Alcoholic beverages and items of personal nature.


50% now
50% 60 days before departure (October 1, 2023)


To finalize your reservation please submit deposit right away.

If you would like to pay with credit card please write to me and I’ll send you a direct link for payment. There is a 2.9% surcharge for credit cards.

Alternatively, please send a check payable to The Dreamcatchers LLC

Please send check to:
The Dreamcatchers
128 Depot Road
Hancock, New Hampshire 03449

Cancellation Policy

Should you require to cancel your trip because of a change of plans or a medical emergency, here are our cancellation terms:

100% refundable from now until August 1
50% refundable between August 1 and October 1
0% refundable after October 1

We are going at the beginning of the high season in Costa Rica so we have to book and pay for many tours and accommodations months in anticipation in order to secure the best experiences for you.

Please note there is a $125 administrative fee for any cancellation.